Discount Policy:
Discounts are available for free users, and for future invoices only.
We cannot offer refunds for past discounts, or stack multiple discounts onto each other.
Discounts cannot be extended after the date.
Discounts for students, educators, and non-profit/NGO employees
Discounts for students, educators, and non-profit/NGO employees
Wordtune offers a 30% discount on Advanced and Unlimited Wordtune subscriptions.
ππ» To qualify, applicants must have a valid .edu email address or proof of current enrollment or employment at an academic institution or non-profit/NGO organization
To apply for this discount, please visit our Discount Page. Please allow 3-5 business days to process your request.
If you have any questions, reach out to us by clicking on the messenger icon in the lower-right corner of this screen.