✨ Welcome to Wordtune for iOS! Let's get you sorted with a free 7 Day Trial!
Installing the Wordtune App
2. Click "install" and download the app to your device.
3. Once installed, tap on the app to launch it. You'll be led to the onboarding page "Get Started"
4. If you have a Wordtune account, tap Log In and enter your credentials.
5. If you’re new to Wordtune, tap Sign up to create an account.
6. You'll be led to a few questions to get to know you as a writer and allowing the app to customize your writing experience.
7. You'll then be led to "Keyboard Set Up"where you would select:
Turn on Wordtune
Allow Full Access
☝🏼 Remember that your privacy is our priority and Wordtune won't access sensitive data.
✨ Wordtune's AI Keyboard allows you to enhance your writing in any communication or writing app like: Notes, email, SMS, social media etc.
8. After installing the keyboard and app, feel free to use it anywhere simply by switching your keyboard to the Wordtune Keyboard
Here's a video guide on how to install the Wordtune iOS App below.
If you have any questions, reach out to us by clicking on the messenger icon in the lower-right corner of this screen.